Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional Astronomi
Tingkat Kota/Kabupaten
tahun 2013
-- soal dan jawaban OSK Astronomi SMA 2013 --
A star is located at a distance of 5,1 parsec. 1 parsec is equal to 3,26 light years. One light year is the
distance travelled by light in a year. If the light speed is 300.000 km/seconds, what is the distance of the
a. 1,7 x 1011 km
b. 1,5 x 1012 km
c. 1,6 x 1014 km
d. 1,1 x 1015 km
e. 1,3 x 1017 km
2. Number of leap years between 1 January 10000 BC until 31 December 2100 AD is
a. 3020
b. 2934
c. 3178
d. 2873
e. 2980
3. Venus achieves its half phase at
a. Superior conjunction
b. Inferior conjunction
c. Maximum West elongation and maximum East elongation
d. retrograde
e. Toward superior conjuntion
4. In December 2012, Voyager 2 Space Craft is at a distance if 15 billion km from the Earth or 100 times
distances of Earth and Sun. Which law of Physics that explain why the space craft has travelled that
a. Newton's law I about motion
b. Newton's law III abou motion
c. Bernouli's law about fluid mechanics
d. Kepler's law II about planetary motion
e. Thermodynamics law about the conservation energy
5. At the moment of mid penumbral lunar eclipse, phase of Moon is about
a. 180 degree
b. 90 degree
c. 0 degree
d. 270 degree
e. Any value between 0 to 360 degree
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